‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ Videos Feature Fight Training And A ‘Flying’ Porg

It’ll be less than two weeks before Star Wars: The Last Jedi opens, tracking to garner over $200 million in its domestic opening weekend (the most of any movie released in 2017). Whereas yesterday we heard the film teased as emotional and intimate, today we have a featurette and two TV spots highlighting the stunt work, action, and those maddeningly adorable porgs.

The video above features the cast practicing for their fight scenes. Daisy Ridley’s training with a staff for the first movie — although she also had a badass stunt double in Chloe Bruce — definitely paid off when transitioning to a lightsaber. She took right to it, as assistant fight coordinator Liang Yang explains, “I was planning on teaching her this whole routine in three days, but she surprised me by learning everything in an hour and a half. She’s a very quick learner.” Luke could probably say the same.

Meanwhile, Gwendoline Christie — no stranger to complex fight choreography after playing Brienne of Tarth on Game of Thrones — describes playing Captain Phasma as “the hardest physical thing I’ve done yet.” She has a faceoff with Finn (John Boyega) at one point, and Boyega stresses in the featurette that he wanted to perform that entire fight choreography himself, which he joked was “very tiring.” Adam Driver also points out that their stunt trainers were so disciplined you just “can’t half ass it.”

In the new TV spots, Poe Dameron and BB-8 head out in an X-Wing to blow something up, and we also get to see a porg “flying” (thanks to the lack of a seat belt) at the end of the second video below.



Every porg just felt a disturbance in the force…

(Via Star Wars, Coming Soon, and We Got This Covered)