Let’s Talk This Weeky’s Geeky TV: ‘Supergirl’ And ‘Gotham’ Are Back


When we last left Supergirl, Teri Hatcher had just killed off Kevin Sorbo because, well, because she’s sort of bigoted and obsessed with the genetic purity of the Daxamite race. And you thought your racist relatives on Facebook were a handful!

Joking aside, Supergirl, the most cheerful superhero show on TV, kicks off the CW’s week of superhero returns as all the shows, bar the wrapped Legends of Tomorrow, come back for their season-ending runs. And man, we’ve missed Kara, even if this episode will mostly be Kara and Lena fighting over Lena’s jerk boyfriend, who turns out to be the supervillain Biomax. That’s tonight at 8pm on the CW. Anyway, while the flying alien fights the nanotechnology-enhanced d-bag, let’s check in on DC’s far, far stranger and wackier series!


Gotham went on a spring hiatus with a whole host of unresolved plotlines, from Oswald getting a bullet and falling in the river, to Bruce Wayne’s evil twin, to the Court of Owls. And, Gotham being Gotham, it’s not even going to resolve any of those before layering on even more plots and complications, like a dead Selina or Bruce getting training to become a billionaire ninja detective. Hey, sometimes, you have to go so fast nobody notices the plot holes. We’ll see how that works when Gotham returns 8pm EST on Fox. Join us, won’t you?