One day after announcing the cast for the upcoming Blind Date season of “The Amazing Race,” CBS has unveiled the cast of the 30th installment of “Survivor.”
As was previously announced, the “Survivor: Worlds Apart” cast has the 18 castaways divided into White Collar, Blue Collar and No Collar tribes.
And, as often seems to happen when “Survivor” makes subjective tribe delineations, the boundaries between the collars are virtually meaningless.
The White Collar tribe, which “Survivor” boasts is “known for making the rules,” includes an ex-talent agent assistant — Nobody in Hollywood makes fewer rules — a retail buyer and some anonymous executives and directors. The most interesting of the White Collar contestants is almost certainly Max Dawson, who has taught a course in “Survivor” at Northwestern. While this absolutely qualifies Max as “white collar,” it conveys precious little about “making the rules.”
CBS says the Blue Collar tribe is “known to follow the rules,” which actually says nothing about blue collar professional culture, though an oil driller and general contractor probably fit.
And then there's the No Collar tribe of “free spirits who are known to break the rules,” though this group includes a law student.
“Survivor: Worlds Apart” premieres on Wednesday, February 25 at 8 p.m. with a 90-minute episode.
Check out the castaways: