(CBR) In this feature, I share with you three comic book “easter eggs.” An easter egg is a joke/visual gag/in-joke that a comic book creator (typically the artist) has hidden in the pages of the comic for readers to find (just like an easter egg). They range from the not-so-obscure to the really obscure. So come check ’em all out and enjoy! Also, click here for an archive of all the easter eggs featured so far! If you want to suggest an easter egg for a future column, e-mail me at bcronin@comicbookresources.com (do not post your suggestion in the comments section!).
Today we take a look at the cast of the Big Bang Theory visiting the pages of Superior Spider-Man, Apocalypse and Lex Luthor having a secret team-up and Edward from the League of Gentlemen gets killed in Transmetropolitan…