TV Ratings: ‘American Idol’ slips, still helps FOX win Wednesday

Fast National ratings for Wednesday, February 1, 2012.
Despite another night of declining numbers for “American Idol,” FOX had no trouble carrying a sluggish, repeat-filled Wednesday night in all key measures, as “Mobbed” performed better with an “Idol” lead-in than as a stand-alone. We know the latter fact shocks you.
Among adults 18-49, FOX averaged a 4.4 rating, far ahead of CBS’ 1.9 rating in the key demographic. ABC and NBC both posted 1.5 ratings in the key demo, while The CW averaged a 0.5 rating. 
Overall, FOX averaged an estimated 13.06 million viewers and a 7.5 rating/12 share for Wednesday night, easily topping the 5.2/8 and 8.1 million viewers for CBS. There was a big drop to NBC’s 4.955 million viewers and 3.3/5, which just edged out the 3.1/5 and 4.77 million viewers for ABC. The CW averaged a 0.8/1 and 1.11 million viewers.
[Univision averaged 3.49 million viewers and a 1.4 rating among adults 18-49 for Wednesday primetime.]
8 p.m. – “American Idol” kicked off primetime in first with 18.19 million viewers and a 5.9 rating among adults 18-49, off from the 19.5 million and 6.4 key demo rating for last Wednesday’s “Idol” Fast Nationals. CBS’ “Super Bowl’s Greatest Commercials” averaged 8.66 million viewers and a 2.1 key demo rating for a comfortable second. ABC’s repeats of “The Middle” and “Suburgatory” were third overall with 4.56 million viewers and fourth with a 1.2 key demo rating. NBC was fourth overall and third in the demo with “Whitney” (4.44 million and a 1.7 key demo) and “Are You There, Chelsea?” (4.08 million and a 1.7 key demo), which were both up from last week among young viewers. The CW’s “One Tree Hill” averaged 1.47 million viewers and a 0.7 key demo rating.
9 p.m. – CBS’ repeat of “Criminal Minds” won the 9 p.m. hour overall with 8.23 million viewers and finished third with a 2.1 rating among adults 18-49. FOX’s “Mobbed” averaged 7.94 million viewers and an hour-winning 2.9 key demo rating, holding fairly steady in its second half-hour. ABC’s “Modern Family” and “Happy Endings” averaged 6.455 million viewers and a 2.3 key demo rating, beating the 4.79 million and 1.1 key demo rating for NBC’s “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” repeat. The CW’s “Remodeled” averaged 745,000 viewers and a 0.3 key demo, actually up from last week in viewers.

10 p.m. – The 10 p.m. hour was all repeats, with CBS’ “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” leading overall with 7.4 million viewers and finishing second with a 1.5 rating among adults 18-49. NBC’s “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” was second with 5.82 million viewers and won the hour in the key demo with a 1.6 key demo rating. ABC’s “Revenge” trailed with 3.29 million viewers and a 0.9 key demo rating.
All ratings information comes from preliminary Fast National Nielsen data, which includes live and same-day DVR viewing. All numbers are subject to change.