Lady Gaga unleashed the 41st installment of her behind-the-scenes video series “Gagavision,” and within it she unveils some lively new details.
First and foremost, the next single from her new album “Born This Way” is set to drop on April 19. “Judas,” the lyrics to which Gaga showed off during her Google chat, will feature a video directed by the singer herself, along with creative director Laurieanne Gibson. No word yet if the song will kick off on its own or if the video will drop at the same time.
In “Gagavision 41,” though, you can see the “Fame” singer rehearsing dance moves for the clip, a lengthy shot of the entertainer step-for-step with her crew.
Gaga also drops by the front of her Monster Ball concert to address a protester who is warning attendees of hell, for all the “homo stuff.” Gaga sounds displeased but dismisses the claims, naturally.
The whole thing ends with a warning of her own “Let the cultural baptism begin.”
“Born This Way” is out on May 23, and has already been preceded by its chart-topping title track.