Nick Diaz Is Posting Crazy Snapchats And Refusing To Let USADA Agents Drug Test Him

Since his big money fight with Georges St-Pierre three years ago, Nick Diaz seems to have gotten into the party life. The previously reclusive Stockton fighter started up in pictures at nightclubs and concerns about his drinking were raised after he racked up two DUIs, eventually serving two days in jail over the incidents. And now the UFC star is worrying people even more with a series of erratic Snapchats sent Monday morning.

Based on photos from his social media accounts, Nick arrived in Las Vegas Sunday night in preparation for his brother’s fight at UFC 202 and partied right through into the dawn. After arriving back at his hotel, he received a call from USADA and got into an argument over whether or not he’d let them test him.

“You’re going to have to wait 5 or 6 hours. I just got here I want to go to sleep, I’ve been here all night!” Diaz says in one of the several Snapchat videos he made of the phonecall. “Why don’t you come tomorrow? Why not tomorrow? I’ve f**king been out all night I have s**t to do this week I want to go to sleep! I want to wake up by 2 o’clock!”

The USADA rep tells Diaz that failing to allow the test could result in a two year suspension. Who knows if Nick was ever serious about not taking the test or if he was just trolling her, but in the end it seems like cooler heads prevailed and Diaz provided USADA with his room number and was willing to take the test.

Or so we hope. If he fell asleep or something, we could have just witnessed Nick Diaz shooting himself in the foot worse than he’s ever done in the past … and we’re talking about a guy who’s spent literal years under multiple suspensions for smoking weed.