Air Force Vet Chuck Norris Has Stepped Up To Ask The Air Force To Keep A Classic Fighter Jet

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Chuck Norris didn’t serve in the Air Force, the Air Force served Chuck Norris. That’s why when he writes an op-ed urging the military branch to keep its most famous fleet of fighter jets, you don’t question, you just do.

All kidding aside, the former Texas Ranger turned Mike Huckabee supporter, who actually did serve four years in the Force, wrote an editorial urging the military and Congress to not go through with its plan of getting rid of the A-10 Thunderbolts, a low-altitude fighter jet also known as the Warthog.

The jet, which has become one of America’s most popular air craft thanks to the painted-on teeth usually gracing its nose cone, has been in use for decades, since it was first created to destroy Soviet tanks. According to Norris, budget cuts and (of course) the Obama administration have brought on the plane’s untimely demise, and because he’s Chuck Norris, he intends to fight the president by writing letters. He’s also out reminding every one of his family’s military service, promoting his mother’s new book and getting people to buy t-shirts.

If you’re really interested, you can read the full letter here. (Warning: it’s full of completely useless facts about military grade planes.) What really disappoints me about this letter though is the fact that it doesn’t come with this official Chuck Norris stamp of approval: