Donald Trump is knocking them down, then recruiting those he defeated into his political inner circle. Count Ben Carson, one-time GOP frontrunner for the White House, as the latest candidate to drop out of the presidential race to be backed by Donald. During the presidential debate Thursday night, Trump confirmed that Carson would be endorsing him on Friday, which would help elevate his stock amongst evangelicals and will likely get some of his (once) strong following to bolster Trump’s ranks of voters.
Trump praised Ben Carson, potentially hinting at how he could be used in his campaign going forward:
“We spoke for over an hour on education. And he has such a great handle on it. I’m going to have Ben very involved with education, something that’s an expertise of his.”
This comes after a period of speculation in which many thought Carson would put what weight he had left behind Cruz or Rubio. Especially considering Trump’s history of bashing the soft-spoken neurosurgeon. Speaking on FOX News, Carson explained that he knew the duality of Trump, and respected his showmanship and his intellectual side.
“There’s two Donald Trumps. There’s the Donald Trump that you see on television and who gets out in front of big audiences, and there’s the Donald Trump behind the scenes. They’re not the same person. One’s very much an entertainer, and one is actually a thinking individual.”
Of course, this means two completely inexperienced men vying for some of the most important and powerful positions of government in the world.
(Via The Washington Post)