Geraldo Rivera Surprises With This Emotional Plea For Gun Control To Sean Hannity

Geraldo Rivera let his emotions take over during his appearance on Hannity late on Wednesday. The Fox News contributor had already shown some strong opinions about the shooting in Florida earlier on Twitter, but his feelings alongside guests Larry Elder, David Clarke, and host Sean Hannity took a different direction than you’d normally expect from Fox News.

For Rivera, the problem isn’t mental health or the need to have armed guards at the school. For him it’s the AR-15 itself and its availability to the general public:

“How’d he get the gun? How’d he get the thousand-dollar gun? How’d he get all these magazines? Where are his parents? Where are his parents? Where was his family? Where were his friends, for goodness’ sake?

“It is just absolutely outrageous. Twenty-five of these school massacres since Columbine in 1999? When are we going to see that this is a national emergency?!”

For Rivera, he says that schools should be “at least as secure as airports,” before moving on to rail against the president’s proposed wall on the Mexican border:

“You want to spend $25 billion on a wall? What about spending $25 billion on making our schools secure from these savages, who all they want to do is inflict blood and mayhem?”

Once Elder was given a chance to speak, Rivera showed that he wasn’t finished sharing his side of things. He quickly criticized the notion that any debate about the AR-15 would infringe on the second amendment, almost seeming to pop out of his chair a few times in the process:

“What are you going to do with [an AR-15], hunt ducks?” Rivera asked. “That’s a bogus argument, Larry.”

Hannity did his best to keep it on the points he wanted it to focus on, claiming that this was a “keep kids safe” debate and not a gun control debate. This doesn’t deter Rivera from claiming that the AR-15 is only meant to kill people and has been “selling like hotcakes” since the expiration of the Brady Bill.

It’s not exactly the type of conversation you expect to see on Sean Hannity’s show, but we live in a weird, tumultuous time.

(Via Fox News / The Daily Beast)