Michael Moore has, in typical Michael Moore fashion, been one of Donald Trump’s most outspoken critics. The documentary filmmaker has accused the president of “squatting” in the White House, penned an open letter urging Ivanka to help her “deranged” dad, and bluntly stated that “Donald Trump Is Gonna Get Us Killed.” And yet, Moore doesn’t think all hope is lost.
In a new post on his website, the Bowling for Columbine director wrote an “Easy-to-Follow 10-Point Plan to Stop Trump.” After noting that the president is in “deep trouble” and caught in a — to quote Vice Admiral Robert Harward, who turned down the Head of National Security gig — “sh*t sandwich,” Moore laid out his steps to “succeed in halting the dark force that is Trump.”
They are:
1. THE DAILY CALL (“You must call Congress every day”)
2. THE MONTHLY VISIT (“Your member of Congress has a local office in your town or somewhere nearby. So do both of your U.S. Senators”)
3. YOUR OWN PERSONAL RAPID RESPONSE TEAM (“Sign everybody up so that when we need to leap into action… you can email and text each other and make an instant plan”)
4. JOIN! JOIN! JOIN! (“Let’s actually physically sign up online and JOIN some of our great national groups,” like Planned Parenthood and ACLU)
5. THE WOMEN’S MARCH NEVER ENDS (“It’s critical that large numbers of us continue to march, protest, sit-in, and be very visible — to Trump, so he knows we are the majority… And the official Women’s March on Washington — they’ve called for a national Women’s Strike on March 8th.”)
6. TAKE OVER THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY (“You need to start attending your county Democratic meetings. If possible, organize your friends and others and take over your local Dem organization”)
7. HELP FORM BLUE REGIONS OF RESISTANCE (“Show the rest of America what it looks like when Trump isn’t in charge!”)
8. YOU MUST RUN FOR OFFICE (“Call your city or county clerk and find out how to get on the ballot. If you’ll do it, I’ll do it”)
9. YOU MUST BECOME THE MEDIA (“Stop complaining about the media”)
10. JOIN THE ARMY OF COMEDY (“Trump’s Achilles heel is his massively thin skin. He can’t take mockery. So we all need to MOCK HIM UP!”)
In conclusion, Moore wrote, “Let’s make Trump toast again.”
You can read the full post here.
(Via Michael Moore)