Sean Spicer On Why Omarosa Was Hired To Work In The White House: ‘I Don’t Know’

After a period of relative calm, the White House lost another high-profile senior staff member this week when it announced that Omarosa Manigault Newman had resigned. However, multiple reports quickly surfaced suggesting Omarosa had actually been fired and escorted from the White House after attempting to enter the residence and see President Trump. Following those reports, the U.S. Secret Service denied the story. Omarosa has already hit the airwaves to tell her side of the story, and the knives are already flying.

During an appearance on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show, former Press Secretary Sean Spicer and Ingraham watched the clip of Omarosa’s Good Morning America appearance before discussing how she came to be at the White House in the first place. Spicer said he wasn’t sure why she was fired, saying, “I don’t know”:

“Look, she was very loyal to the president, and I think the president brought a lot of people who wanted to fulfill his agenda. That’s his perogative as the president — president-elect at the time. I wish her the best, but I don’t… I’m not really sure what happened.”

The above may read like Spicer is slamming Omarosa. Then again, as the clip shows, he is flustered and unprepared for many of Ingraham’s questions. After all, Spicer also “resigned” from the White House.