The Most Unimpressed Politician Reactions To Obama’s Final State Of The Union

At Tuesday evening’s State of the Union address, President Obama touched briefly upon a stream of topics. The broadcast signaled Obama’s official start to an end for his White House era. After discussing gun control, global warming, and ISIS, Obama turned the subject to finding a cancer cure. This presented a warm moment with Joe Biden while standing in this scenario together for the last time.

Obama found some unexpected interest from Kim Davis and a curmudgeonly poker face from Paul Ryan. Once Ryan left his seat, he tweeted the angst he didn’t show onstage. Ryan said he wasn’t “disappointed” by the speech. However, this statement was part of a larger, cattier one.

Donald Trump tweeted about how freaking boring he found the speech.

Trump also took a few seconds to criticize the Iran deal.

Marco Rubio spoke with Megyn Kelly about what he sees as Obama’s inadequate level of concern about ISIS. He also accused Obama of “bitterly dividing this country” for his own ends.

Ted Cruz slammed Obama for being in denial about terrorism.

Ben Carson issued a series of tweets about global warming and ISIS.

He’s also not thrilled with Obama’s recent love of executive orders.

Rand Paul attacked Obama’s economic policies and says he can do better.

Carly Fiorina spent her post-debate 15 minutes by criticizing how Obama talked about “politics.”

Whereas Hillary Clinton still thinks she’s your abuela. She also said Obama did a good job with the economy.

And Bernie Sanders said the State of the Union address was “important.”