Weeks after Terry Crews recounted his own alleged sexual assault by a “high-level Hollywood executive” in response to the accusations levied against Harvey Weinstein, the subject of the Brooklyn Nine-Nine star’s allegations has been revealed. According to Variety, William Morris Endeavor powerhouse Adam Venit has been placed on leave while the agency conducts an internal investigation into Crews’ accusations against him. Neither WME, Venit nor Crews offered Variety any official comment. Considering the agency’s other ties and the accused’s clientele, however, they probably won’t be silent for too long.
As head of WME’s motion picture group, Venit wields a great deal of power in Hollywood. Per Variety, his clients include Emma Stone, Adam Sandler, Diane Keaton, Shawn Levy, Vince Vaughn, Marc Forster, Eddie Murphy, and many more. Two of these “many more” are actor Dustin Hoffman and director Brett Ratner, both of whom have been accused of sexual harassment and sexual assault. Crews is also a client of WME, though it was clear if he is, or ever was, one of Venit’s clients.
The Hollywood executive is personally responsible, among other things, for Adam Sandler’s massive Netflix contract and Gal Gadot’s significant deal with Warner Bros. for the Wonder Woman sequel and additional films. Considering the harrowing details of Crews’ account, however, none of this may matter if WME decides to let Venit go. “My wife n I were at a Hollywood function last year n a high level Hollywood executive came over 2 me and groped my privates,” he recalled in a series of tweets. “Jumping back I said What are you doing?! My wife saw everything n we looked at him like he was crazy. He just grinned like a jerk.”
(Via Variety)