UPROXX Live Q&A With Impact Wrestling’s Rockstar Spud

You read our live Q&A Ethan Carter III. Now it’s time to hear the other side of the story.

Impact Wrestling’s Rockstar Spud will be joining us for a live, uncensored, probably bowtie-related live Q&A session starting at 1 PM EST today. That’s Thursday afternoon if you’re showing up late. He’ll be talking about Impact, the magical land that is British Boot Camp, his past and upcoming visits to places like Chikara and AIW, whatever you’d like.

Please begin your questions with “@Spud” to keep things organized. We’re taking questions a little early, and (in theory) they’ll be answered in the order they are submitted. Get your questions in early, folks! Scroll down and type one right now! Click on “See All Responses” or click on his name in the right side module to easily access all of his answers. He’ll be hanging out for about an hour, so let’s see how many questions we can ask about flashy suits in 60 minutes.