Jon Stewart To Seth Rollins: Coming After ‘The Daily Show’ Is The Biggest Mistake You’ve Ever Made

This past Monday night, WWE Superstar Seth Rollins bragged about just how good he is because that’s just what big heel jerks do. What else do big heel jerks do? Call out Jon Stewart, and call The Daily Show “unwatchable.”

Not one to be trifled with, Jon Stewart responded via social media (the only method of communication for celebrities, as is my understanding) to let Seth know that his ass is grass, and Jon’s gonna mow it.

Welp, he’s right in that nobody wants to mess around with soft wood. Jon Stewart is no stranger to WWE. Besides attending live events, he was totally as upset by The Undertaker’s undefeated streak being broken as the rest of us.

I love The Daily Show as much as anyone else, so if leaving the anchor desk means interjecting himself into the thing I love the most, I’m okay with it. Kudos to WWE for finally getting someone relevant to their actual audience, even if Vince McMahon probably refers to him as “that loud young man who makes fun of our friends.” Future kudos if this Rollins-Stewart feud has the same payoff as Hoda and Kathie Lee’s appearance: