K-Oh No! NXT Champ Kevin Owens Just Underwent Knee Surgery

Current NXT champion and professional jerkwad Kevin Owens revealed on Twitter that he’s undergone surgery for a torn meniscus:

NXT Champion Kevin Owens underwent a partial meniscectomy for a knee injury late last week, WWE.com has learned.

“I’m not the kind of person that lets things like this get in my way,” the NXT Champion told WWE.com following his surgery. “I’m already walking around without crutches and doing physical therapy at the WWE Performance Center.” – WWE.com

My favorite part of this is that WWE.com “has learned” about the injury. I love the idea that nobody in WWE knew or was sending directives to their online staff. They just happened to run into Owens hobbling around Full Sail today and were like, “Uhhhh… maybe we should ask someone about that.”

It’s not known when Owens will be up and ready to go. According to the internet, recovery for that type of surgery can range anywhere from five weeks or six to eight months, so thanks for literally nothing, thing I rely on to have the information that’s not in my brain. If it’s on the longer side, we should see a statement on what will happen with the championship soon. If not… who knows! Not THE INTERNET, that’s for sure.