Scott Steiner Is Under Investigation For Allegedly Threatening To Kill Hulk Hogan

We told you last week about an “ugly incident” between Scott Steiner and Hulk Hogan’s wife Jennifer that led to Big Poppa Pump being banned from WWE’s Hall of Fame ceremony. Details of the incident are starting to emerge, and according to TMZ Sports, they’re a worst-case scenario: Steiner is now being investigated for felony terrorist threats (!!) for physically confronting her and allegedly threatening to kill the Hulkster.

From this morning’s report:

Here’s what we know … Hulk’s wife Jennifer flew into San Jose for WrestleMania on March 26th — and claims Steiner grabbed her at baggage claim and said he plans to “kill Terry” [Hulk’s real name] as soon as he lands.

Sources close to the Hogans tell us … Jennifer didn’t recognize Steiner and called Hulk immediately — who took the next flight into S.J. and went with her to file a police report early the next morning.

We’re told cops are now investigating Steiner for “felony terrorist threats” — and so far, officials have already gathered airport surveillance video which we’re told shows Steiner confronting Jennifer.

As for Steiner, he’s been very public about his dislike of Hogan for years — and blames him for the demise of WCW wrestling … where Scott and Hulk were allies in the NWO.

You may read that and think, “Scott Steiner is an insane old wrestler and was just cutting a promo and can’t tell the difference between fantasy and real life.” If the allegations are true, Steiner’s comment on the investigation confirm this:

We reached out to Steiner for comment — who told us, “Typical Hogan. He’s just a punk.”

Word to all wrestlers: You can’t say the stuff you’d say about other wrestlers on a wrestling show to people in real life, even if they’re your former co-workers. It just doesn’t translate. It’s like trying to do math in a wrestling promo. You can threaten peoples’ lives on television and get away with it because it’s all part of the show. If you’re cutting promos on one terrified lady in an airport? Totally different.

We’ll keep you updated on the investigation as it unfolds. Until then, we’ll imagine Steiner went through the San Jose airport like they were the crowd at Ring Ka King.