Michelle Beadle Isn’t A WWE Fan Anymore Because Triple H Supports Floyd Mayweather

triple h mayweather instagram

It’s pretty much agreed upon that Floyd Mayweather is a domestic abuser who deserves a ton of backlash and anger. So when people try to show support of the best boxer in the world, it’s really hard not sound like you sort of don’t mind the fact he beats on women. So when Triple H – who developed a friendship with Mayweather during the planning of the boxer’s WrestleMania 24 match with the Big Show – goes on Twitter to congratulate his buddy, it’s bound to anger a few people.

One of the people who got upset was Michelle Beadle, who’s been as outspoken against Mayweather as any other public figure. And due to HHH’s support of Mayweather, Beadle has declared that she’s no longer a WWE fan. Here are the tweets:

hhh mayweather

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Well this is quite a mess. One one hand, the WWE is pushing an initiative to ostensibly focus on the Divas and one of its top executives is hanging around with a known domestic abuser and tweeting about his greatness. Regardless of how you feel about Mayweather (or Beadle for that matter) it’s probably not the best practice to make such a public statement of support for such a polarizing guy if you’re running a major public company.