WWE Superstar Xavier Woods Has Launched His Own YouTube Gaming Channel

Do you like WWE? Do you like staying positive? Do you like Xavier Woods? Do you like watching people play video games while eating hot peppers on the internet? Well, those are some varied interests you’ve cultivated for yourself there, friend. But great news! All of these things are covered in the debut of Xavier Woods’ new YouTube gaming channel, UpUpDownDown.

Introducing himself as Austin Creed (but not avoiding his WWE alias/affiliation), Woods offered up five new videos today, including one with special guest — and rotating tag partner — Kofi Kingston playing Rayman Legends.

Woods is promising upcoming E3 coverage on Wednesday and Thursday, but I think the real thing we’re all interested in is whether or not we’ll see the return of the horse mask from his ESPN E:60 spotlight:

Never not great, Woods. Never not great.