Here’s Video Of The Undertaker Collapsing After His Match With Brock Lesnar At SummerSlam

The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar main-evented SummerSlam with a match that was leaps and bounds better than anyone thought it would be. Undertaker’s age and the quality of their WrestleMania 30 match had us all wondering how they could pull off a SummerSlam main-event. Well, now we know better than to question ‘Taker, as he held his own and pulled off a great match. Lesnar also didn’t take it easy on the Dead Man, delivering his usual level of brutality and suplexes.

Despite the match’s finish, I think we can say they gave us our money’s worth. Unfortunately, the physicality may have come at a price. Here’s a video of Undertaker appearing to collapse on the ramp on his way to Gorilla. While this could be an elaborate work, the fall came off-camera and hasn’t been mentioned by WWE yet. As you recall, Undertaker had to be rushed to the hospital after his WrestleMania match with Brock. While the match was great — and it appears it’s heading to another rematch — I wouldn’t mind if Undertaker decided to end his career wrestling a marshmallow sculpture in a bed of feathers.

Things may not be too bad, though, as this video shows Undertaker upright at least and walking with his wife. He’s clearly hobbled, but, at his age and with as many matches as he’s had, I’m not sure if that’s not how he regularly walks.