Media Outlets Are Looking To Have Hulk Hogan’s Suspiciously Sealed Court Records Made Public

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Things could somehow get even worse for the disgraced former WWE Hall of Famer. Numerous media outlets, including the AP, are now requesting that records in the Hulk Hogan-Gawker Media lawsuit be unsealed. The media is looking for further details on the FBI investigation into the damaging sex tape that was anonymously leaked to Gawker back in 2012.

Via The Tampa Tribune:

Gawker filed a public records request in federal court for more information about the [FBI] investigation, and the judge ordered it released. But when it was put into public record in the civil suit, the judge sealed the records.

“It’s highly unusual for this much secrecy to surround a civil proceeding,” said Charles Tobin, a lawyer for Holland and Knight who is representing the media companies. “Ordinarily, whether it’s a celebrity or an average citizen, once you ask the court to help solve a dispute you open the proceedings up to public review. What’s going on in Hulk Hogan’s case certainly is not the norm when it comes to public transparency of the courts.”

Damn, what is it with the media and Hulk Hogan’s forbidden closet of mystery court records?

The amount of effort into keeping these records sealed and away from public access is making a lot of people highly suspicious about what is contained therein, who is being protected, and from what. It could just be a matter of not wanting to subject the world to more Hogan Hog Talk, but really, what federal court is ever that considerate?