WWE Superstar Cesaro May Be Out Of Action For 4-6 Months

It looks like Cesaro is the latest WWE Superstar to fall prey to the WWE injury bug. After hearing rumours about an injury WWE was attempting to keep quiet last Friday, multiple outlets are now reporting what our initial sources sent our way: Cesaro has suffered a shoulder injury. There’s still no word on how or when this injury first occurred, and surgery may be required to repair a torn rotator cuff. This could leave him out for at least 4-6 months.


This is terrible news for WWE, who are already dealing with a rash of injuries:

– Cesaro’s own tag partner, Tyson Kidd, is still at home recovering from spinal fusion surgery for a neck injury that could have potentially ended both his career and his life.

– Daniel Bryan says he’s healthy but isn’t anywhere to be seen on WWE television.

Randy Orton hurt his best mat-pounding shoulder taking out the trash.

Rusev tore the sh*t out of his bicep, so now he and fiancee Lana get to hang out on the disabled list together. Romance!

Nikki Bella is trying to avoid neck surgery.

– Seth Rollins had to drop the WWE World Heavyweight championship because he’ll be out for 6-9 months.

– Brad Maddox…well, he’s blonde now, and not injured, I just miss the guy on my TV.

Not to mention that we’re still missing Sami Zayn and Hideo Itami from NXT, as well as Big Cass.

Wrestling is not an easy job, and injuries happen all the time, but at some point you’ve just gotta take a deep breath, throw up your hands, then wrap Sasha Banks in bubble wrap and priority ship her everywhere just in case.

Further updates as they happen.