Over the years I’ve slowly come around to the realization that Mark Henry’s “Somebody’s Gonna Get Their Ass Kicked” entrance theme is one of the best in WWE history. Sure, it’s not as immediately catchy as some, but few WWE themes so totally capture their superstar’s aura. Now, imagine for moment if Henry’s music was redone by Rick Ross. Then we’d really have something.
Well, TMZ caught up with a slim, trim, badass looking Mark Henry on the street and asked him about his doppelganger Rick Ross, and Henry said he’d love to have him remix his theme song. Henry also weighed in on the eternal “Who’s harder to slam, Big Show or Great Khali?” question.
It should be noted that TMZ and WWE have a “working relationship” and nothing WWE-related goes up on TMZ for no reason. So, could something actually be in the works? Get hustlin’ and make it happen, Mark.
via Classicalite