Alberto El Patron Says He’d Be Willing To Face ‘Great Athlete’ CM Punk In UFC

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CM Punk and the former Alberto Del Rio may have come from pretty different backgrounds, but their careers have been similar in a number of ways. They each had a dramatic falling out with WWE in 2014, and both men are no strangers to legitimate fighting (Alberto was on the Mexican wrestling team, and had an on-and-off again MMA career before debuting with WWE). So, some people have wondered, would Alberto El Patron ever enter the octagon and fight CM Punk for reals? In a new interview with Wrestling Inc., Alberto said he’d be up for it…

“I’ll do it, but UFC needs to offer the right money. The offers I received from all of the organizations are so ridiculous that I didn’t even think about it. It’s really good money for the fighters, because I know what fighters do every time they fight, but I do so well in pro wrestling, why would I do something like that if I’m making the same money for pro wrestling appearances?”

Okay, so unless UFC ponies up the dough, Alberto probably isn’t fighting Punk. But what does Alberto think of Punk’s chances in general? Is he even going to end up fighting?

“Punk is a great athlete, he’s been training to do this for a while. Even before he left WWE, he was already doing jiu jitsu and Thai boxing. He was just doing it to be in shape, back then he didn’t know that he was going to be in the UFC one day. I’m sure the promoters would like to put him in the cage already because they know he’s going to sell PPVs. Phil is a really smart person. There are people saying that he’s not going to fight, and it was just a promotion to get people to watch UFC, but it’s not. He’s fighting for sure. I can’t tell you the specific date, because I know he’s getting ready and he wants to do well. He wants to have a career in MMA.”

If Punk loses his first UFC fight and everybody turns on him, he should set up a fight with Alberto and just do a total pro wrestling match as an f-you to everybody. Punk with the bulldog off the octagon! Alberto holds onto an armbar for a minute without Punk tapping! Run in by some guy in a tuxedo with a bucket!

via Wrestling Inc.