Baron Corbin Insists He Doesn’t Like Children, Despite Evidence To The Contrary

Baron Corbin, former Northern Exposure cast member and current Mr. Money in the Bank, has made a career out of getting people to hate his guts. It all started back in NXT, when he acting like he was the best wrestler in the world because he won a Division III football championship, and the world-traveled indie stars on the roster were just nerds. It was great. You had to be there.

Anyway, now he’s the briefcase holder and seemingly on the verge of being a main event heel, and that means he has to ramp up being a baddie. After Smackdown Live and 205 Live taped on Tuesday, ol’ Barry C. was in a dark match main event for the live crowd that stuck around. He took on Shinsuke Nakamura, and although he came up on the losing end, he took the time to comfort a crying child and gave the kid the shirt off his back.

After this clip had made the rounds on Wednesday, a whole bunch of fans started talking about how they saw Baron Corbin in a whole new light, and that he was actually a great and stand-up dude. Corbin, of course, would in no way allow this salacious rumor to gain speed, and set the record straight in the perfect way.

Yeah, idiots. Baron Corbin would NEVER care about a stranger, and especially not some dumb KID stranger. Baron Corbin only cares about his family and shirts with wolves on them. That’s it. Make sure all your friends know: Baron Corbin doesn’t have normal human feelings. It’s probably because of the big dang wolf living in his chest cavity.