Bayley Wants To See Intergender Wrestling Return To WWE


Intergender wrestling is always a controversial subject among wrestling fans. It’s no secret that I’m a fan of it, but I know many of our readers aren’t. Somebody else who turns out to be in favor of fair competition between men and women is WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Bayley. In a recent interview with Sportbible, she offered her take on intergender in the past and the potential for the future:

I would love for intergender matches to start happening again, it happened in the past when you had Lita teaming with The Hardy Boyz and Eddie [Guerrero] getting involved with Chyna, with things happening like Nia Jax in the Men’s Royal Rumble there’s a possibility there and I would love any part of that. I think the men are just as excited for the women and it helps push them too. One you see someone giving it their all in the ring and getting attention, it pushes everyone, the men have been nothing but supportive of the opportunities we’ve received so far.

For now, though, Bayley’s happy to be an inaugural WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion alongside her best friend, Sasha Banks.

We both have the same drive, the same determination, we both wanted the same things for the women’s division and what we perceived wrestling as. We have good in ring chemistry but at the core of it all, we really connect as people and we really are best friends so that helps with our matches.

They’ll be facing Nia Jax and Tamina this Sunday at Fastlane, but Bayley hints at who they’d like to fight next, although it sounds like everyone gets a turn:

We want to wrestle everybody in this division, we want to prove we’re the best. We would love to have a one on one tag match with Sonya and Mandy just to prove that we are the dominant team because those two are very close friends as well.

I’ve been a fan of Bayley since NXT, as so many of us have, and honestly one of the most exciting things about the new women’s tag scene is seeing both her and Sasha at the top of a division, finally having an undisputed place of prominence on the main roster.