Previously on 205 Live, TJP threw a temper tantrum after losing to Gran Metalik, Jack Gallagher is stil angry with Hideo Itami, and Cedric Alexander defeated a back-in-the-Zo-Train Tony Nese.
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And now, the best and worst of WWE 205 Live for January 16, 2018.
Best: Devil May Cry
First up, a best right off the bat for this crowd. I don’t know if it’s because they had a hot Mixed Match Challenge match to follow or if Laredo, Texas is just more inclined to support good lucha things, but the crowd was into this match from the get-go.
TJP is out to prove that last week’s loss was just a fluke. Between last week and the CWC, TJP and Metalik have proven that they work really well together. From a sartorial standpoint, I have to say that I prefer Gran Metalik’s all-black number to this week’s regular black and gold combo. They kept the action quick and the crowd was with them the whole time, even busting out a “lucha libre” chant. The finish was even more of a fluke than last week, as Metalik was able to get a quick roll up flash pin for the 1-2-3.
This is where I want TJP’s whiny gamer shtick to really shine. Instead of sitting there in shock for too many beats after the the pinfall, he should have immediately jumped up in the ref’s face, kicking the ropes … whatever the wrestling equivalent is to throwing the controller after getting sniped for the match ending kill.
Props to Dasha backstage asking TJP is he was crying. Don’t get mad, TJP, she just wanted to know what it was like to be able to outwardly express emotions.
Worst: PLEASE Get Well Soon The Brian Kendrick
We only have 26 minutes for all of 205 Live this week, but take time from the main event match so we can reiterate the same point for the last month. I can listen to Jack Gallagher menacingly read the phone book, but guys, you can go a week without doing one of these. We’re not going to forget all about the feud just because you take a week off.

Best/Worst: The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada (2005)
All the pre-match stuff was fantastic. Goldust brings enough of his weird charisma to compensate for Cedric’s weird lack of charisma. Enzo was fire on the mic, and he and Goldust were fantastic together. And, come on, Cowboy Drew Gulak? I’m this close to getting that tattooed on my body. I’m just holding out to make sure that “No ridiculous tattoos” isn’t a slide on Drew’s power point presentation.
That being said — wow, Goldust sure made three of 205 Live’s top cruiserweights look like total garbage. I know many of us were happy to start having some 205 Live/main roster interactions, and it’s the official position of With Spandex that Goldust is just the best, but still. A guy who couldn’t sniff a segment on most three-hour Raws just beat three of 205 Live’s premier talents clean in a three-on-one handicap match in four minutes. I know there was heel miscommunication, but still. Does anyone come out of this looking good?
It also bothers me — and I know I might be the only one that cares about this — that Tony Nese and the rest of the Zo Train are so on the same page without so much of a mention of the terrible beatdown they put on him when they kicked him out of the group. I get with Enzo that Tony has to suck it up and get back in the good graces of the boss, but you’d think there’d be maybe a little bit of tension with Daivari and especially Drew Gulak. Just one or two sentences backstage to address it could go a long way.
Thank you for checking in on this abbreviated episode of 205 Live. As long as the Mixed Match Challenge is running, it looks like we’ll be getting these shorter episodes.