Previously on 205 Live, TJP returned after months of being away, Jack Gallagher beat Hideo Itami with a steel pipe, and Goldust showed up to team with Cedric Alexander against The Zo Train.
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And now, the best and worst of WWE 205 Live for January 9, 2018.
Best: TJP’s “Good Match” DLC
This is the match we should have had on TJP’s return. I understand getting a win in your first match after a long break, but did beating Akira Tozawa really do anything for either of those guys? In fact, I think it is even stronger move to return after a big break, talk all kinds of shit about being the first cruiserweight champion and coming back to beat everyone again, and then lose and throw a tantrum. But man, this match was pretty rad. I thought a rematch of the CWC finals should get more hype, but that tournament feels like a lifetime ago. When they let Gran Metalik cut loose in the ring, he is one of the best.
Post-match, TJP freaks out like he just lost a League of Legends match. That flip out was so sad, I hope it was all planned. I’m so mad I’m going to flip this table (cover)! I’m going to throw this chair into the ring (ropes)! I want TJP rage-quitting during his matches whenever things don’t go his way.
If this doesn’t end with TJP swatting Kalisto, then WWE is missing a golden opportunity.
Worst: Keep The Feud Going
So are we just going to do this over and over until The Brian Kendrick comes back?

You said it all, Jack.
You couldn’t have Gallagher beat someone (what’s Lince Dorado doing these days?) and have Itami interfere or beat him down after? I love heel Jack Gallagher, but his win loss record is pretty atrocious. Making him seem like he might be a somewhat credible threat to Itami would go a long way. Get well soon, The Brian. For all of our sakes.
Best: Cedric The Entertainer
Tony Nese, everyone. After getting beat down by the Zo Train a month ago, he’s back ready to show the world that he can be the best Zo lackey of them all. I’m in to see where this goes, but it makes Tony look really weak, and it makes any future face turn really lose it’s luster. I feel like the next time everyone’s chilling at Enzo’s house is going to be a little awkward.
This match was great. I know you can say this every week about everyone on the roster (except for the champ), but I wish they’d let these guys pull out all the stops and put on the types of matches they’ve put on outside of the WWE. I still posit that Cedric has everything it takes to be a champion on the main roster, and Tony Nese is so fun to watch in the ring. That slide between the legs into a pumphandle was so smooth. Props to Cedric for selling that knee injury. I knew that it was a work, but, for a split second, he had me going. I also love that faking an injury to get a cheap roll up victory is a total face move now. Having the master of playing mind games as a mentor is really paying off.
There are two more episodes before the Royal Rumble. I’m guessing we’re going to get a title rematch between Cedric and Enzo (hopefully on the main card) so it remains to be seen what the Zo Train is going to throw at Cedric between now and then. I don’t know where Tony Nese goes from here, but wherever that is he’s going to look weak.
That’s it for this week. Let’s hope that Drew Gulak wasn’t on this show because he was too busy working on a brand new power point presentation for next week.