WWE Superstar The Big Show Teams Up With Florida Police For ‘The Running Man Challenge’

Is the Running Man Challenge played out yet? Well, it certainly isn’t as annoying as the Ice Bucket Challenge (or as painful as the 21 Day Pushup Challenge), but even though it has crossed over into your mom’s Facebook feed, it doesn’t mean that there can’t still be a little blood left to squeeze from the meme stone. Case in point: Florida’s Coral Gables Police Department recently put together a pro-shot Running Man Challenge video of their own, only they weren’t content to limit it to just essential personnel.

First up in the video, you get Miami Hurricanes mascot Sebastian the Ibis (what, you didn’t know what kind of bird he was? Get lost, college mascot poseur), but then you get a menacing-looking Big Show. But as with all Big Show appearances, he switches allegiances almost immediately, breaking into dance with the rest of the Coral Gables PD crew.

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So how exactly did Show end up participating in this clip? Well, he is a Florida resident, so maybe they just found him loitering at the local 7-Eleven and asked him to appear. Also, seeing as Shaq surprisingly hasn’t made a Running Man Challenge video yet, it means Show has a leg up on his potential WrestleMania 33 opponent. But frankly, we’re just happy Show has been able to move past his abject hatred of law enforcement to be able to give back to the community.