After years of stopping and starting, and of suffering disappointing big-match losses, Bray Wyatt finally achieved his final form on Sunday night, winning the Elimination Chamber match and capturing the WWE Championship. Now he’s on a mission to silence every one of the people who said he’d never get to the top.
Immediately following the biggest victory of his career, Wyatt went backstage in Phoenix and sat down for an interview with He talked about the long and winding road he took to get to his first world championship, and he’s proud to finally be able to rub it in the face of everyone who said he’d never make it. Or, I guess, he wants to rub it somewhere else.
“To me it was an up-yours to the authority, because when I walked in to this, I don’t think anyone ever looked at me and said, ‘One day you’re going to be WWE champion,'” Wyatt said. “I’ve seen so many come and go over the years, and so many that look the part and thought they were something special and they just weren’t. And someone like me, I had to cut my teeth for years just to be recognized. No one looked at my direction. I had to grab them by the throat and make them look me in the eyes and say, ‘Look at me.’ This is a huge accomplishment for me, because no one else expected it but I always did.”
Now that’s how you speak directly from the heart while still keeping in character. He addressed his anger at the “authority,” which is a buzz word that WWE can be happy with, and Wyatt’s character is built upon “taking back” spotlights and opportunities that are freely given to the less deserving. (Or it’s about catching flies in your mouth. One or the other.)
A billion congrats to a guy who’s busted his butt harder than anyone to get to the top of the mountain, and may his seven-week reign as champ (we’re just assuming, here) be one that we’ll look back on fondly.