Take A Fond Look Back At Bret Hart’s Best Appearance On Children’s Television

Everyone is celebrating the news that wrestling legend Bret Hart’s surgery was a success, and he has beaten cancer. That also means all of our favourite Hitman moments are making the rounds once again. While it’s no Owen-Bret feud highlight reel, or the very best gifs of his iron man match against forever rival Shawn Michaels (so you don’t have to sit through the entire thing again), this definitely ranks up there. I mean, it’s Bret Hart reading a children’s book to a fussy British rockstar dog puppet who refuses to perform until that happens. You know, just like Axl Rose during the Use Your Illusion tour in the early nineties.

Though the clip is a few years old, I’m pretty sure it also qualifies as timeless. While Bret may be able to conquer cancer, he’ll never be able to conquer non-regional diction. In twenty years, Canadians will have something to look back on as fondly as we of a certain age reminisce about Astar from Planet Danger, or The Log Driver’s Waltz, which taught us all that doctors and lawyers can’t dance for shit. Also yes, the deeper you dive into Canadian television in the eighties and nineties, the more it explains absolutely everything.

While future children may never know him from his heyday as one of pro wrestling’s greatest athletes, they’ll know him as this guy, and that’s just as good:

h/t Reddit