Despite having a prestigious the developmental program, a high-tech Performance Center and a roster of the world’s best wrestlers already sitting around doing nothing, WWE has officially sent out a casting call for a new season of the reality show ‘Tough Enough.’ If you’ve never seen it, it gave us Cameron, Maven, Jackie Gayda and SILENT RAGE Andy Leavine. Also a few good people.
We can only hope that this is an excuse to find a creative way to get developmental guys on television, or maybe a way to pretend Samoa Joe or whomever showed up and got a WWE gig without having to go through NXT. Maybe it’ll just be Joe and Laredo Kid and Leva Bates and a bunch of throwaway reality cans.
If you decide to send in a video, let us know. I’m going to send in one of me ring announcing and getting choked to death by Lance Hoyt and see if it can’t get me at least a Curt Hawkins-level position on the roster.