Check Out This Exclusive Clip From Tonight’s Lucha Underground And Get Into The Best Wrestling Show On TV

Nothing makes us happier lately than a new episode of Lucha Underground.

That sounds like a shill (and it totally is), but it’s the truth. Lucha Underground, alongside WWE NXT, is our wrestling “happy place.” Fun, entertaining matches. Memorable characters that actually have memories and motivations! An unmatched knack for world-building that has made Dario Cueto’s Temple feel like it’s been around for decades, even though they’re six episodes in. It just feels special, which you’ve probably picked up on during my weekly squeeing.

If you haven’t watched it yet, here’s something that should do a trick: tonight’s episode features an uninterrupted, 25-minute ladder match. For real.

El Rey Network will air the seventh episode of the original wrestling series “Lucha Underground,” from Emmy Award®-winning producer Mark Burnett on Wednesday, December 10th at 8:00PM ET/PT. In “The Top of the Ladder” viewers will bear witness as Dario Cueto tempts the luchadores in an uninterrupted twenty five minute main event where Puma, Mundo and Big Ryck will race each other to the top of the ladder to be the first to retrieve Cueto’s briefcase and walk out with $100,000 in cash!

I’m also fortunate enough to share this exclusive clip featuring an announcement from Sexy Star, a luchadora who’s gotten a ton of mainstream publicity lately from places like Bitch magazine and Variety Latino for the impact she’s making. Spoilers, obviously, but it’s exciting, and brings back a story that began in episode 1.

Check it out:

Also, make sure you watch the video El Rey Network posted of El Jefe touring the facilities, because it’s pitch-perfect and an example of why he’s my favorite character on TV, wrestling show or otherwise. He’s so damn weird and wonderful.

He provided them deodorant. What a jerk.

Be back here tomorrow for our full writeup of tonight’s episode. Watch it so you can follow along. If you dig it, use this 22 minute clip of Cueto screaming “ladder match” as a RiffTrax-style substitute for Raw’s opening segments.