Why Yes, This Is A Photo Of CM Punk And Al Bundy With The Gracies

The jiu-jitsu prowess of ‘Modern Family’ ‘Married … With Children’ star Ed O’Neill is no surprise. The man is a God in these parts, and in the past we’ve written about how he could kill a robber and how he was more or less Brock Lesnar to the kid versions of Ryron and Rener Gracie. We’ve also written about him kicking Bubba Smith’s ass more than once.

We also write a lot about WWE Champion CM Punk. He’s a fixture of The Best And Worst Of WWE Raw column, and kinda-sorta changed the direction of the company (or at least the company’s “main event in the middle of the show” scene) during 2011’s ‘Summer Of Punk.’ He’s a Gracie practitioner, as well, and has shown up on the Gracie Breakdown.

Oddly enough, I never thought I’d see them together.

So hey, who do we need to talk to about having Al Bundy as the celebrity guest host of Raw? He knows his way around a wrestling ring. He once went the distance against a Gorgeous Lady Of Wrestling.

[h/t to Andrew Johnson]