By now, we shouldn’t really be surprised at anything that pops up on Conan O’Brien‘s show. And yet, we definitely didn’t expect two Lucha Underground luchadores to pop up on Tuesday night’s episode to do their best attempts at the redheaded giant’s signature dance.
Conan introduced a bizarre video on the episode, saying that a Mexican talk show host named Jesus Guzman had taken it upon itself to round up a gaggle of Mexican celebrities, personalities, and people on the street to welcome Conan to Mexico. And what’s a roundup of celebrities without some danged old lucha libre in there? Sure enough, AAA sent Aero Star and Argenis as their representatives, and the result is nipple-touching gold, albeit bizarre nipple-touching gold.
What’s that? You’d like a GIF of Aero Star and Argenis rubbing their nipples? Say no more!
Now we just have to wait for this to be worked into Lucha Underground canon. Maybe Aero Star’s time-traveling abilities only work when he rubs his nipples just so. I mean, it wouldn’t make any less sense than the Flux Capacitor.
Conan Without Borders: Made In Mexico will debut on March 1 on TBS. We can’t promise that anyone else from AAA will show up, but if they do, we’ll bring you all the nipple-rubbing developments.