Give ‘WWE 2K15’ One More Chance With The New ‘One More Match’ Showcase Mode DLC

WWE 2K15 may have been a bit of a let down, but it wasn’t all bad – 2K Showcase, which lets you play through detailed recreations of classic rivalries, was solidly entertaining stuff. Now the best part of WWE 2K15 gets a little better with the release of “One More Match”, an expansion that focuses on Christian and Randy Orton’s underrated rivalry over the World Heavyweight Championship.

This particular DLC pack will feature the 2011 versions of Christian, Edge, Randy Orton, Mark Henry and Sheamus and the Extreme Rules, Over the Limit, Capitol Punishment and 2011 Smackdown set are your new arenas. The next Showcase DLC pack in the pipe is Mark Henry’s “Hall of Pain” because apparently the guys at 2K Games are just super into 2011 Smackdown. It’s good to finally know that I’m not alone.

One More Match costs 9.99 or you can get all three planned Showcase expansions for 24.99. Come on, isn’t poor, retired against his will, Christian worth a 10-spot? He just needs One More Download from you.

Yup, these three screens pretty much sum up how this feud went.