The Impact Wrestling Tapings Contained A Few Big Surprises


So things have been really interesting over at Impact Wrestling for the past … well, forever. There have been several changes at the top of the promotion ever since Anthem took ownership, but even that is nothing new to the vast, convoluted history of the company previously known as TNA. Now Don Callis and Scott D’Amore are in charge of booking and the general creative direction, but Impact, as ever, can never resist some big, shocking, unexpected goings-on.

(There are some Impact spoilers coming up, so you’ve been warned!)

The first major news from the first night of the latest marathon Impact taping sessions in Orlando came out before the show even started. As word started trickling out that Impact had once again moved away from their iconic six-sided ring and to a more traditional wrestling ring, the company opted to spoil that bit of news themselves.

(The ring apron also had the Twitch logo on it, suggesting there will be a major announcement forthcoming regarding Impact being available to watch on that platform. Or maybe it’s just an embarrassing misprint? Nah, probably a Twitch partnership, which will probably be announced at some point in the next couple of weeks.)

The next bit of major, major news to come out of the tapings on Wednesday was …. well, it was also spoiled by Impact. Despite claiming that he had no plans to return to Impact any time soon, and had some pretty solid reasons for not doing so, Austin Aries popped up in Impact, the company where he spent huge chunks of time from 2005 to 2007 and from 2011 to 2015.

Oh, not only that, but he also won the Impact world title on his first night back, defeating Eli Drake to become a two-time Impact World Champion.

According to PWInsider, the segment with Aries capturing the title will air on the Feb. 1 edition of Impact Wrestling on Pop TV. If the past is any indication, the odds are extremely good that this won’t be the last major news to come out of this set of Impact tapings. We’ll keep you posted as events warrant.