Is Vince McMahon Going Blind? The Internet Seems To Think So.

If you haven’t had enough rampant speculation in your day, then sit back and let the internet diagnose an aging media mogul.

Reddit user BlackNostalgia was at the Raw broadcast from Montreal last night and submitted these observations:

Vince needed to follow a spot light to the ring in order to know where he was going. I didn’t think anything of it at first and thought it was just a lighting effect for his entrance. So he follows the spotlight and then there’s a crew a member who’s directing him to the ring from a distance, making hand motions and pointing to various things so Vince doesn’t bump into stuff I guess. Once again I thought nothing of it and figured maybe he’s just making sure Vince doesn’t trip over any camera cords.

So Vince is done with his speech and he exits the ring. He stands there then slowly paces towards the stage and looks over his shoulder for a crew member. Two of them rush towards him and began to beam pocket flashlights to the floor for Vince to follow. Once again they cautiously guide him to gorilla using the floor beams from their flashlights. He then ducks under the right platform of the Raw stage and goes to the back still with assistance.

No one else needed assistance. Ambrose took the same exist and did fine on his own and so did Sami. Various other crew members took the exist with no problem/assistance and plus Vince was the only one with a spotlight during his entrance.

There were two guys each time. The guy at the front was assisting him with the help of another crew member, who himself was guiding Vince to the ring using the position that the camera guy uses to get the “Orton shot” effect during his entrance. It didn’t seem any type of way at first but the crew member didn’t have a camera so that further made me realize what was going on. Also keep in mind that they each have headsets so in addition to being guided there’s verbal communication going on between both parties.

The alarmist culture being what it is in wrestling, this obviously led to a healthy round of “Diagnose the old person via Wikipedia,” which is surprisingly more fun than “I have a persistent cough, I wonder what Web MD says!” and then thinking you have lung cancer for three days. I mean, the dude is 69 years old (nice), it’s not totally unheard of for people his age to have issues with low lighting. Also, this GIF of him joking around with Brock Lesnar is plenty suspicious if you take it completely out of context:

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Before we panic, let’s use this forum to get all of our jokes out now before we find out this is a real thing, and we all have to feel bad for not jumping to conclusions sooner. We humbly submit the following kneejerk responses:

1. He’s obviously blind if he can’t see that Cesaro should be a main-eventer!
2. Of course he’s blind! Did you see that Russian Chain Match?
3. If it’s true, maybe we can just put Sami Zayn in a Randy Orton shirt, and he’ll never be able to tell the difference.
4. Wait, if that’s true, maybe we can just put Charlotte in a Seth Rollins shirt, and he’ll never be able to tell the difference!
5. “And here I thought he was just racist for constantly calling me Ahmed Johnson!” said Bobby Lashley, probably.
6. This means he won’t be able to drive himself anywhere, and we all know what happens when he lets someone else drive…