Jim Ross May Be Calling Wrestling Matches Again Very Soon

It’s been years since we’ve seen Jim Ross call a wrestling match, which is a damn shame. And it appears that the door to calling WWE matches has been closed since his contract wasn’t renewed earlier this year. And while he’s too smart to entertain a job at TNA, Ross might be calling some New Japan matches, especially if they’re looking to do more shows in English-speaking countries. Namely a January 4th show in the Tokyo Dome that may air in the US:

“I’m very interested in doing special projects and that certainly would be on that list of a special project,” Ross said. “And I think if they were serious about their marketing of their pay-per-views — and I guess their big show is January 4th — that if they were really serious about that event being a hit in the English-speaking countries, that I might be able to help them.

“I think their style is right down my alley,” he said. “They’re physical, they’re intense, their wrestling is logical and I am a fan of it. But I wouldn’t want to do it in a TV studio somewhere and doing it as a voiceover. If I did it, I’d want to be in Tokyo.

“I want to feel it. I want to be part of it. I don’t want it to be artificial. I want to be emotionally invested and I want to be physically there at ringside. That way if I have it left in me to kick some ass, that gives me the best chance to get that done. And there’s no doubt in my mind that, egocentrically, there’s some fuel left in the tank for that.”

“I have had no (contact) with the decision-makers within the New Japan organization, we have yet to engage in any discussions,” he said. “I will be honest with you that I have had casual discussions with some of their people just to say would you be interested in doing it because I’d ask the same thing.There’s no sense in them wasting their time on me until they ascertain my level of interest.”

I absolutely can’t wait for this to happen and it makes so much sense just to play a drinking game where I chug every time Ross screams “FAWRAWRMS.” Seriously, though, Ross and New Japan? HereTakeMyMoney.gif.