John Cena Officiated A Wedding On ‘Today,’ Because Romance Is Alive And Well


John Cena‘s resume has about 40,000 things on it at this point. On Friday morning, he was able to add to that list, as Cena thought it would be fun to become a wedding officiant.

Cena made a cameo on Today and officiated a wedding between Jordan and Kyle, a couple from Harrisburg, Pa. who won a dream wedding by submitting a video that included, among other things, Jordan dressing up like Macho Man cutting a short promo. The entire thing seemed pretty nice, featuring Hoda Kotb and Kathie Lee Gifford providing play-by-play as things got underway and we met the bride and groom’s families, along with the wedding party.

But let’s face it, we’re all here to see John Cena officiate a wedding. Let’s get right to it.

My knowledge of weddings is rather limited, but it seemed like Cena did a pretty good job? He played it pretty straight, even if he did make a “you can’t see me” joke right away and cracked the occasional one liner throughout his tenure as the face that runs the ceremony. And all credit to Cena, the stuff he wrote that wasn’t meant to make people laugh was legitimately really nice, so maybe he has a future doing this.

Also, shout out to the Kyle, as she got married and watched her beloved Eagles win the Super Bowl in the same week. Not bad.