Tuesday night was a big night for John Cena. He was a special guest on Maya and Marty, the new variety show from Maya Rudolph and Martin Short, and he immediately stole the show – as he tends to do. Cena played Hulk Hogan in another skit, but for my money, the real action was in his second performance of the night, where he played the sexy-ass fireman of every true WWE fan’s dreams.
This sketch was an encapsulation of everything that is good and wonderful about John Cena. His natural likability, his charisma, his comedic timing … and of course those biceps.
For my money, John Cena being humble and friendly is the best possible version of John Cena. It makes me want to be super good friends with him and hear his genuine compliments. I wish we could get humble-ass Cena on RAW a bit more often, but I guess that doesn’t really fit his character.
Still, though, I’ve got plenty of fodder for dreams of Nice Fireman John Cena coming to rescue me, then curling me in a gentle, loving fashion. And perhaps the best part of all: JOHN CENA HOLDING A FIREHOUSE DALMATION.

You’ll always be MY calendar selection, Fireman John Cena. Never change.