Josh Reddick Paid Tribute To The Ultimate Warrior By Running And Looking As Weird As Possible

There have been a lot of tributes to the Ultimate Warrior since his passing earlier this month. They range from WWE’s own touching 10 bell salute and video package to Taiwan Animation’s take, then all the way down to Nancy Grace being exploitative and ignorant. Hell, even I put together a collection of Warrior’s best moments and matches.

The latest Warrior tribute comes from Oakland A’s outfielder Josh Reddick, noted WWE fan and Warrior devotee. Reddick entered his interview on Intentional Talk by sprinting out to Warrior’s entrance theme wearing his shirt and signature arm tassles, and yes, he rocked a plastic Warrior mask. The interview itself is a little too coherent and reasonable to be a true tribute, but we’ll take it.

Here’s the entire clip, which is enjoyable all the way through, especially when they start talking to him about his crazy catches and Snapchat Spider-Mans.

[mlbvideo id=”32263227″ width=”650″ height=”400″ /]

Note: You can tell Reddick is a true member of the WWE Universe because when he talks about his beard-off with Daniel Bryan, he says he “didn’t really know him that big.” If you’ve ever been in a WWE crowd, they like the very top level guys and have NO IDEA who the rest of the wrestlers are, whether they’ve been on TV every week for years or not.