Back in 1992, then-European, British and Commonwealth Heavyweight Boxing Champion Lennox Lewis carried the Union Jack to the ring at SummerSlam in support of The British Bulldog. According to an interview with Michael Landsberg on TSN’s Off the Record on Tuesday, Lewis was very close to returning to WWE 10 years later … to fight BROCK LESNAR.
Lewis says WWE offered him close to £5 million to fight The Next Big Thing in an Ali vs. Inoki-style boxer vs. wrestler match and that he’d seriously considered it, but that the deal fell through because he’d be wearing gloves and Brock wouldn’t. Can you blame him? “Wrestling Brock Lesnar,” is one thing. “Wrestling Brock Lesnar without the ability to grab anything, but he can grab you and throw you backwards onto your head all he wants,” is completely different.
WWE loves to integrate boxing stars onto the show, whether it’s Mike Tyson coming to blows with Stone Cold Steve Austin, Evander Holyfield boxing Matt Hardy on Saturday Night’s Main Event or Floyd Mayweather’s feud with The Big Show.
Here’s video of the interview, which includes a bit about Lewis working with The Bulldog back in the day. Jump to the 9:30 mark for pertinent wrestling conversation.