The 32-man Cueto Cup tournament is finally down to two men, and on Wednesday night, we will get to see who takes home the sure-to-be-cursed trophy. (Wait, do people in the Lucha Underground universe have proper homes? We know Rey Mysterio lives in meme Wolverine’s room, and Johnny Mundo has a sweating-and-training studio apartment, but that’s about it. Matanza lives in a cell, so that’s another home. Oh, and Son of Havoc lives in his mom’s basement with the Bagel Bites on tap whenever he wants. Man, Lucha Underground rules.)
Anyway, as perhaps was always destined to be the case, the Cueto Cup finals will be between Lucha Underground’s two most popular home-grown stars, Pentagon Dark and Prince Puma (also pretty dark these days, if we’re being honest). The El Rey Network was lovely enough to send along this exclusive clip of the opening moments of that match, because [insert number of hours until showtime where you live] is just too long to wait.
Yeah, we’re fairly confident these two maskboys are going to tear the place down. It’s a shame no one has learned yet that you shouldn’t really try to get Dario Cueto’s tchotchkes anymore. They’re never not going to come with some monkey paw-type horrific stipulation. I guess pray for Argenis no matter who wins.