This week’s very special episode of McMahonsplaining tackles the Mae Young Classic, and sends intrepid reporter and fully-grown Hornswoggle Brandon Stroud to the red carpet event in Las Vegas to talk to — get this — The Authority.
Straight from the red carpet, we’ve got Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. No joke. We also talk to a handful of talent from around the company, from former women’s champions Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch, to NXT announcer Mauro Ranallo and Mae Young Classic talent Mercedes Martinez and Candice LaRae. As a bonus, we spend our intro talking about what we thought of the tournament. We’re honored to have been a part of the red carpet festivities for such a historic event, and hope you enjoyed that couple of seconds of Brandon talking to Triple H in the video package about it on Smackdown.
Please send your thoughts and questions to, because we’ll read the best emails on the show, and we have a lot of cool giveaways to give away.
You can follow McMahonsplaining on Twitter, along with With Spandex proper. Our theme song is by J.W. Friedman, who is great. You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Google Play or you can stream the episode below or download it on Omny Studio.
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