The Ted DiBiase Documentary Trailer Has Dropped And It Looks Like A Million Bucks

November 7th is a big day for wrestling documentaries, we all know about the ESPN 30 for 30 that’s coming out about Ric Flair, detailing all the trials and tribulations of the 16 time world champ.But another documentary on another wrestler who lived the lavish life releases on that date as well, ‘The Price of Famewhich goes into the behind-the-scenes story of the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase.

But since November 7th is a long way away the first trailer for the documentary on the man with one of the most evil laughs in wrestling history. The trailer kicks off with former Legacy stable member Ted DiBiase Jr. voicing an introduction to his dad, and includes snippets of interviews with a who’s who of wrestling legends, including Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley and Roddy Piper.

Fathom Events promises that the documentary will reveal what the second-generation superstar went through on his rise to fame and subsequent crash, and what it cost DiBiase and his family. But the film also goes through the redemption story of DiBiase and what his lasting legacy will end up being, going far beyond the reaches of any wrestling ring, and that’s a story that means you’ll likely get more than your money’s worth.