[protected-iframe id=”a728d3ccce2a5f007e9ff3bf1392f160-60970621-24613583″ info=”https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/575053741/muscle-temple-1-pro-wrestling-comics/widget/video.html” width=”640″ height=”480″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”]
Here are things I really love: Wrestling, comics, The New Day, cracking the hard shell top on a peanut butter cup when you bite into it, and animated GIFs. Thanks to the amazing artists from MUSCLE TEMPLE, this post has almost all of those things. Had they some couriered me a bunch of peanut butter cups, I’d dare say it would be perfect.
MUSCLE TEMPLE is an upcoming comics anthology devoted entirely to pro wrestling. You can find out more information over at their Kickstarter page, and also throw all of your spare change their way. We advise you to use their payment system, however, and don’t throw nickels at your monitor, and no, I am not speaking from experience. Shut up. Here’s the pitch:
MUSCLE TEMPLE is a group of professional comic artists and cartoonists mostly living and working in Los Angeles. Together we are going to publish a 60ish page, two-color, soft cover comic featuring funny and weird short comics and goofy illustrations about our love and passion… PRO WRESTLING!
All of the tiers have something cool, including one where you can actually get superkicked by the Young Bucks. I’m pretty sure that one went faster than anything else, but, I mean, it’s getting superkicked by the Young Bucks.
Artists contributing to the anthology bring a range of comics, writing, and animation expertise, from people who have worked on the Bee and Puppycat series, Adventure Time, DreamWorks Animation artists, and even With Spandex favorite Box Brown, author and illustrator of that rad Andre the Giant graphic novel we keep telling you to read.
Here’s a sample of some of their work, but in GIF form, because almost everything is better and easier to digest in GIF form.
From Nathan Bulmer (Eat More Bikes, Nickelodeon’s Sanjay & Craig, MAD Magazine):
From the amazing Madeleine Flores (Bee & Puppycat, Nickelodeon’s Harvey Beaks, Help Us, Great Warrior, Adventure Time):
From Bryan Mann (Nickelodeon’s Sanjay & Craig):
And the one who made my actual favorite GIF out of the whole set (the Stardust one, because LOOK AT IT), David Smith (Metalocalypse, Adventure Time, King Star King):
We’re going to be featuring some more cool sh*t from these people, so keep an eye out. And no, seriously, donate and make this thing happen.