Indie Legend Necro Butcher Once Dropped Acid Before Wrestling A Match

Necro Butcher is one of the most interesting individuals (or “cats” if you happen to be Kevin Smith or a time-displaced bebop guy) in all of professional wrestling. I mean without even getting into the fact that he butchers necros, the now-retired legend was a fixture on the independent scene for years, after first gaining notoriety as one of the most insane deathmatch wrestlers around, which should raise your eyebrows by what that redundancy means.

Fans soon discovered that there was something about Necro that set him apart from the average deathmatch wrestler, and his undeniable charisma and extremely unorthodox brawling style allowed him to have a successful career wrestling in non-deathmatch promotions like Ring of Honor and Pro Wrestling Guerrilla. On top of all that, he happens to be one of the most laid-back, soft-spoken, kind and sweet people you’ll ever meet in wrestling. And his name is “Necro Butcher.”

His bookings and frequency of matches tapered off drastically after 2013 or so, and he wrestled his retirement match in 2016. Now, gloriously, he is finally getting around to hitting the shoot interview scene. If you think Necro Butcher must have some great stories about his time in wrestling, DING DING DING DING.

In this clip from his full-length shoot interview on Title Match Wrestling Network, Necro shares the spectacular story of the one time he tried tripping on acid during a match. The match was against his good friend Hot Stuff Hernandez, who you may know best as Hernandez, and it wasn’t exactly Dock Ellis pitching a no-hitter.

“I thought, ‘Well, he’s my friend, I’ve had a few matches with him, we can kind of go through the motions here.’ And I thought, to spice things up a bit, I will attack him on the floor. So I went to attack this man on the floor. And I think he thought I was a little bit more messed up than I was … He decided to pick me up and shoot powerbomb me on the concrete, to see if that would calm me down a bit.

“And it did. I laid there, and I watched all of the acid go out of my eyes, and my nose, and my mouth, and go into a big puddle on the ceiling. And I said, ‘I am never doing this again. This is ridiculous.'”

Let this be a lesson to all of you out there who are thinking about getting into either wrestling or acid: DON’T MIX THEM.