Here Are Your Official Betting Odds For WrestleMania 30

For whatever reason, people love to bet on the predetermined outcomes of pro wrestling. BOVADA has once again posted the official betting odds for WrestleMania, and I’m passing them along here. Remember, if you don’t bet on WrestleMania 30, the terrorists win.

Last year’s smart bet was Mark Henry over Ryback. This year’s odds are a little more complex, what with almost 70 people on the card, but my advice would be to put dollars down on Triple H defeating Daniel Bryan. It doesn’t seem like it’s gonna happen, but with the show set up like it is, the chances of HHH pulling off something shady and Bryan still getting into the main event seem high. The fact that the Bryan/Triple H and Lesnar/Undertaker matches have similar odds seems like a huge tell. Lesnar has no possible chance of winning. Triple H, though?

I also love that Damien Sandow has better odds of winning the battle royal than 3MB or Kofi Kingston. Have you guys not been watching the last 8 months?

Here’s the full rundown:

WrestleMania XXX – WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match – Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. TBD:

Daniel Bryan 2/11
Batista 9/4
Randy Orton 17/4
Triple H 8/1

WrestleMania XXX – Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H:

Daniel Bryan 1/20
Triple H 8/1

WrestleMania XXX – The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar:

The Undertaker 1/30
Brock Lesnar 9/1

WrestleMania XXX – John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt :

Bray Wyatt 2/7
John Cena 9/4

WrestleMania XXX – Four Way Tag Team Match – Usos vs. Rybaxel vs. Los Matadores vs. Real Americans :

Usos 2/3
Real Americans 7/4
Rybaxel 5/2
Los Matadores 7/1

WrestleMania XXX – The Shield vs. Kane & New Age Outlaws :

The Shield 1/8
Kane & New Age Outlaws 17/4

WrestleMania XXX – Vickie Guerrero Divas Championship Invitational:

A.J. Lee 2/7
The Field 9/4

WrestleMania XXX – Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal:

Alexander Rusev 11/4
Big Show 11/4
Sheamus 5/1
Dolph Ziggler 5/1
Alberto Del Rio 12/1
Big E 16/1
Fandango 16/1
Christian 16/1
Mark Henry 16/1
The Miz 16/1
Rey Mysterio 16/1
Damien Sandow 25/1
Cody Rhodes 25/1
Goldust 25/1
Heath Slater 50/1
Titus O’Neil 50/1
Jinder Mahal 50/1
Drew McIntyre 50/1
Kofi Kingston 50/1
Brodus Clay 50/1
Darren Young 50/1
Justin Gabriel 50/1
R-Truth 50/1
Santino Marella 50/1
The Great Khali 50/1
Zack Ryder 50/1
Sin Cara 50/1
Brad Maddox 50/1
Field 15/2